TWILIGHT is an action-packed, modern-day love story between a teenage girl and a vampire. Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) has always been a little bit different, never caring about fitting in with the... TWILIGHT is an action-packed, modern-day love story between a teenage girl and a vampire. Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) has always been a little bit different, never caring about fitting in with the trendy girls at her Phoenix high school. When her mother re-marries and sends Bella to live with her father in the rainy little town of Forks, Washington, she doesn't expect much of anything to change. Then she meets the mysterious and dazzlingly beautiful Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson), a boy unlike any she's ever met. Edward is a vampire, but he doesn't have fangs and his family is unique in that they choose not to drink human blood. Intelligent and witty, Edward sees straight into Bella's soul. Soon, they are swept up in a passionate, thrilling and unorthodox romance. To Edward, Bella is what he has waited 90 years for ?a soul mate. But the closer they get, the more Edward must struggle to resist the primal pull of her scent, which could send him into an uncontrollable frenzy. But what will Edward & Bella do when a clan of new vampires ?James (Cam Gigandet), Laurent (Edi Gathegi) and Victoria (Rachelle Lefevre) ?come to town and threaten to disrupt their way of life?
我是離譜到坐在戲院中才知戲名的, 不過事前都知是殭屍什麼的
一直以為是驚慄片之類, 殭屍吸血嘛, 哈, 原來是愛情片
我很集中精神看 ( 我通常都只是 "hea 睇" 的 ) , 我個人覺得沒有冷場
老實說edward 跟bella 的感情並沒有深刻得叫我感動 ( 是我已麻木了?!? )
可能於我而言愛一個人跟本就會不計較地付出, 這是最正常不過的事
不過倒覺得與殭屍拍拖十分有趣, 可背著你光速彈彈彈就上了山上樹頂遠眺風景
其實我頗喜歡殭屍臂擋車那一幕, 那是一種instinct, 是動人的舉動
整體拍攝流暢, 而且我蠻喜歡那些配樂, 如果殭屍搏鬥面多一點就更好了
這應是我近年 ( 雖然我看的是爛片多 ) 看過最好的了, 完全不覺得兩小時已過去了
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